Slavery in the Roman world
Mosaic of slaves preparing for or serving at a banquet I anticipate that many of my readers will be surprised to see the relatively…
Mosaic of slaves preparing for or serving at a banquet I anticipate that many of my readers will be surprised to see the relatively…
Map of modern Turkey showing the location of Antioch-near-Pisidia The city where much of this story takes place was one of 16 cities in…
Since the A Slave’s Story series is written from the vantage point of one of the characters in the story, I made a conscious effort to…
Artist’s rendition of a typical Greek city One of the hardest things for modern readers to comprehend about the ancient world, at least…
Ruins of the commercial agora in Ephesus, Turkey Did you ever wonder where people in the ancient world bought the things that they needed…
Shared public toilets were a common channel for spreading disease in Greek and Roman cities It can be hard for citizens of modern Western…
Fresco from Pompeii depicting a physician removing an arrowhead from the leg of Aeneas In today’s world physicians are highly trained,…
Greek vase painting showing four of the nine Greek muses playing musical instruments Music doesn’t play a notable role in my two novels,…
Relief of the god Asklepios and his daughter Hygeia treating a sleeping girl (Piraeus, Greece) All of the books in my A Slave’s Story…
Colorized version of a panel from the Arch of Titus in Rome depicting the conquest of the Jews in 70 A.D. (For more on the colorization,…